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Vitalboards Portfolio
Here you can view past designs, some of which were non-production comps. Please note the Vital ICE app has only been available for a short time, so some of the designs do not reference the App.
Vital ICE Demo Key Codes
Here are a few key codes that you can supply to your clients for hands-on examples of how custom branding is set up. NOTE: Back office login to content manage are only issued after the sale has been finalized.
Key Code 9999 (Single Sponsor Accounts)
This is a sample of how a single sponsor account (non-FD/EMS) will look and function. This can be sent to any company or organization that is not a Fire Department, EMS, Police, etc. The sponsor will have their own information screen, with personalized message and logo. The Vital Info (main) screen will contain their color banner at the top, which will hyperlink back to their information page when tapped.
Key Code 1234 (Single EMS/FD Accounts)
This is a sample of how a single FD/EMS account will look and function. This should be sent to only emergency organizations, such as Fire Departments, EMS, Police, etc. The FD/EMS account will have their own information screen, with personalized message and logo. The Vital Info (main) screen will contain their color banner at the top, which will hyperlink back to their information page when tapped.
Key Code 0004 (Co-Branded Accounts)
This is a sample of how a co-branded account will look and function, where sponsor and FD/EMS accounts share a common key code. This can be sent to any company or organization that is considering co-branding with an emergency organization, such as a Fire Department, EMS, Police Department, etc. Each entity will have their own information screen with personalized message and logo. The Vital Info (main) screen will list both at the top in text format, which will hyperlink back to their respective pages when tapped.
To test, please ask your customer to perform the following steps:
Step 1: Download Vital ICE for your mobile device on iTunes (iPhone, iPad) or Google Play (Android)
Step 2: Install the app and accept the various permissions when prompted (no need to do in-app upgrade for testing purposes)
Step 3: Enter in the key code when prompted and continue forward with testing
They will then see the appropriate branding be displayed in the following screen(s), and can proceed with testing the app itself if they wish. If the customer already has a key code entered into their device, or if you are giving them multiple key codes to test, they should be instructed to tap on the 'More' tab at the bottom of the Vital Info (main) screen, then select 'Manage Key Code'. Make a note of the current key code, then you may overwrite it with the new code to test. The only information that will change will be the sponsor screen(s) and banner at the top of the Vital Info (main) screen.